Ontology of the Steel Industry Case Study
Final version — 31 May 2010
- This version:
- http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel
- Latest version:
- http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel
- Last Update:
- 31 May 2010
- Editors:
- Luis Polo, Fundación CTIC
- Diego Díaz, ArcelorMittal
- Authors:
- Pablo Valledor, ArcelorMittal
- Diego Berrueta, Fundación CTIC
- Emilio Rubiera, Fundación CTIC
- Contributors:
- See acknowledgements
© ONTORULE Project, all rights reserved.
This document describes the OWL ontology for the Steel Industry case study of the ONTORULE project.
This document contains the reference documentation for each entity (class, property, instance) of the ontology. It also includes some companion text with pertinent explanations about the domain concepts.
Status of this Document
This is the current version of the Steel Industry Case Study ontology.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
This document describes the OWL ontology for the Steel Industry case study of the ONTORULE project.
1.1 Coils, defects, phenomena and sampling points
Coils, defects, phenomena and sampling points are at the core of this ontology. Their relationships are not straightfoward. A coil is a physical object which is a metallurgical product. A sampling point is an abstract concept which represents a given location within a coil where some physical parameters are measured. Both defects and phenomena are deviations from the product specifications, which arise at a given product. A key difference between a defect and a phenomenon is that the former is located at a certain sampling point and the latter affects the coil as a whole.
As the coil is sampled at discrete locations along one axis (X), the location of each sampling point (sp) is defined by the length from the start of the coil strip to the sampling point. The distance between a sampling point and the next one is called the length scope (ls) of the first sampling point. Defects (d), if present, are associated to a sampling point. The following diagram illustrates these relationships.
1.2 Physical variables
These are some of the physical variables that are taken into account:
- Yield strength: The yield strength or yield point of a material is defined in engineering and materials science as the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically. Because there is no definite point on the curve where elastic strain ends and plastic strain begins, the yield strength is chosen to be that strength when a definite amount of plastic strain has occurred. For the general engineering structural design, the yield strength is chosen when 0,2 percent plastic strain has taken place. The 0.2 percent yield strength or the 0.2 percent offset yield strength is calculated at 0.2 percent offset from the original cross-sectional area of the sample (s=P/A).
- Elongation: Elongation is a measurement of the ductility of the steel. When a material is tested for tensile strength it elongates a certain amount before fracture takes place. The two pieces are placed together and the amount of extension is measured against marks made before starting the test and is expressed as a percentage of the original gauge length.
- Temperature: In the context of this ontology, this variable refers to the temperature measured in the steel strip at the end of the heating (measured in ºC).
1.3 Product type
Different kinds of steel are usually identified in the industry by their steel grade, which is usually codified as an alphanumeric code. In the context of this ontology, however, a coarser classification is used, which involves a hierarchy of product types. Product types are identified by shorter alphanumeric codes.
2. Ontology at a glance
An alphabetical index of the ontology terms, by class (concepts) and by property (relationships, attributes), is given below. All the terms are hyperlinked to their detailed description for quick reference.
Classes: Action, Clinching, Coil, Defect, DualPhase, HSLA, InterstitialFree, MechanicalDefect, MechanicalPhenomenon, Order, ParameterDefect, Phenomenon, ProductType, Rephosphorised, SamplingPoint, SkinPassElongationDefect, SkinPassElongationPhenomenon, SurfaceAspectDefect, SurfaceAspectPhenomenon, TemperatureDefect, TemperaturePhenomenon, YieldStrengthDefect, YieldStrengthPhenomenon,
Properties: action, avgFlattenerElongation, avgSkinPassElongation, avgTemperature, coilIdentifier, coilProperty, derivesFrom, flattenerElongation, hasPhenomenon, hasSamplingPoint, inCoil, lengthScope, location, locationOf, order, phenomenonOf, position, productTypeCode, samplingPointProperty, skinPassElongation, skinPassElongationMax, skinPassElongationMin, steelGrade, targetParameter, temperature, temperatureMax, temperatureMin, thicknessTarget, weightMax, weightMin, widthTarget, yieldStrength, yieldStrengthMax, yieldStrengthMin, zincThicknessTarget,
Instances: A200, B102, B105, C114, C116, C119, D012, D071, evaluation, K012, keepAssignment, repair, scrap,
The following diagram illustrates some of the concepts and properties of the Steel Case Study ontology.
3. Cross-reference of classes and properties
Class: steel:Action
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#Action
Action - This category comprises the actions to be done with the product after the system has completed its evaluation
- in-range-of:
- steel:action
Class: steel:Clinching
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#Clinching
Clinching - Clinching steels are those obtained by a non-continuous method of joining whereby the points of joinage are produced by punching two or more steel sheets together simultaneously by means of a punch and die.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:ProductType
Class: steel:Coil
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#Coil
Coil - A coil is a physical object which is the metallurgical product to be analysed during the process.
Class: steel:Defect
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#Defect
An imperfection or defect detected in the coil. -
- in-domain-of:
- steel:location
- in-range-of:
- steel:derivesFrom
- steel:locationOf
Class: steel:DualPhase
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#DualPhase
Dual-phase steel - Dual-phase steel (DPA) is a high-strength steel that has a ferrite and martensitic microstructure. DPA starts as a low or medium carbon steel and is quenched from a temperature above A1 but below A3 on a continuous cooling transformation diagram. This results in a microstructure consisting of a soft ferrite matrix containing islands of martensite as the secondary phase (martensite increases the tensile strength). It features advantages such as low yield strength;low yield to tensile strength ratio (yield strength / tensile strength = 0.5); high initial strain hardening rates; good uniform elongation; high strain rate sensitivity (the faster it is crushed the more energy it absorbs); and good fatigue resistance.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:ProductType
Class: steel:HSLA
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#HSLA
High-strength low-alloy steel - High-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel is a type of alloy steel that provides better mechanical properties or greater resistance to corrosion than carbon steel. HSLA steels vary from other steels in that they aren't made to meet a specific chemical composition, but rather to specific mechanical properties. They have a carbon content between 0.05–0.25% to retain formability and weldability.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:ProductType
Class: steel:InterstitialFree
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#InterstitialFree
Intertitial free metallurgy steel - Steels designed to provide an excellent combination of drawability and mechanical strength based on their specific interstitial free (IF) metallurgy. These steels are hardened by adding manganese, silicon and phosphorous in solid solution to the ferrite. The metallurgy of IF steels optimizes their drawability.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:ProductType
Class: steel:MechanicalDefect
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#MechanicalDefect
Mechanical defect - A defect having to do with the mechanical process.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:Defect
Class: steel:MechanicalPhenomenon
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#MechanicalPhenomenon
Mechanical phenomenon - An effect detected in the coil related to the mechanical process.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:Phenomenon
Class: steel:Order
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#Order
Order - An order defines the target specifications of the product. The order also specifies the tolerance allowed with respect to the target parameters.
- in-domain-of:
- steel:targetParameter
- steel:widthTarget
- steel:yieldStrengthMax
- steel:yieldStrengthMin
- in-range-of:
- steel:order
Class: steel:ParameterDefect
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#ParameterDefect
Parameter defect - It is a defect having to do with a deviation of the measured skin-pass elongation, flattener elongation or temperature from the specified values.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:MechanicalDefect
Class: steel:Phenomenon
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#Phenomenon
Phenomenon - An effect detected in the coil, based on the identified defects along the coil sampling points.
- in-domain-of:
- steel:derivesFrom
- steel:phenomenonOf
- in-range-of:
- steel:hasPhenomenon
Class: steel:ProductType
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#ProductType
Product type - The type identifies the kind of steel, defined by a set of physical and chemical properties
- in-domain-of:
- steel:productTypeCode
- in-range-of:
- steel:steelGrade
Class: steel:Rephosphorised
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#Rephosphorised
Rephosphorised steel - It is a kind of steel that contains phosphorus as its main alloying agent.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:ProductType
Class: steel:SamplingPoint
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#SamplingPoint
Sampling point - A sampling point is an abstract concept which represents a given location within a coil where some physical parameters are measured.
Class: steel:SkinPassElongationDefect
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#SkinPassElongationDefect
Skin-pass elongation defect - A skin-pass elongation defect has to do with any deviation of the measured skin-pass elongation from the requirements for the product.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:MechanicalDefect
Class: steel:SkinPassElongationPhenomenon
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#SkinPassElongationPhenomenon
Skin-pass elongation phenomenon - An effect detected in the coil related to the skin-pass elongation.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:MechanicalPhenomenon
Class: steel:SurfaceAspectDefect
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#SurfaceAspectDefect
Surface aspect defect - A defect found in the surface of the coil.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:Defect
Class: steel:SurfaceAspectPhenomenon
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#SurfaceAspectPhenomenon
Surface aspect phenomenon - An effect detected in the coil specifically on the surface of the product.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:Phenomenon
Class: steel:TemperatureDefect
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#TemperatureDefect
Temperature defect - It is a defect having to do with temperature issues. At the exit of the furnace it is necessary to check the temperature ranges of the steel strip, depending on the maximum and minimum end of heating temperature set by the order (measured in ºC) and the steel grade.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:MechanicalDefect
Class: steel:TemperaturePhenomenon
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#TemperaturePhenomenon
Temperature phenomenon - An effect detected in the coil related to the temperature.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:MechanicalPhenomenon
Class: steel:YieldStrengthDefect
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#YieldStrengthDefect
Yield strength defect - It is a mechanical defect having to do with the target yield strength. A defect of this category is identified if the yield strength is outside of the target range at any point.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:MechanicalDefect
Class: steel:YieldStrengthPhenomenon
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#YieldStrengthPhenomenon
Yield strength phenomenon - An effect detected in the coil related to the yield strength.
- sub-class-of:
- steel:MechanicalPhenomenon
Property: steel:action
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#action
action - This is the final assignment of a coil to an order (a customer)
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
- Range:
- steel:Action
Property: steel:avgFlattenerElongation
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#avgFlattenerElongation
average flattener elongation -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:coilProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
Property: steel:avgSkinPassElongation
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#avgSkinPassElongation
average skin-pass elongation -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:coilProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
Property: steel:avgTemperature
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#avgTemperature
average temperature -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:coilProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
Property: steel:coilIdentifier
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#coilIdentifier
coil identifier - Unique identifier of the product.
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:coilProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
- Range:
- xsd:integer
Property: steel:coilProperty
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#coilProperty
coil property -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topDataProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
Property: steel:derivesFrom
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#derivesFrom
derives from - A given phenomenon derives from a set of defects.
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Phenomenon
- Range:
- steel:Defect
Property: steel:flattenerElongation
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#flattenerElongation
flattener elongation -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:samplingPointProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
Property: steel:hasPhenomenon
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#hasPhenomenon
has phenomenon -
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
- Range:
- steel:Phenomenon
Property: steel:hasSamplingPoint
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#hasSamplingPoint
has sampling point -
- Inverse:
- steel:inCoil
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
- Range:
- steel:SamplingPoint
Property: steel:inCoil
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#inCoil
in coil - This property links sampling points, used by the system to measure some physical parameters such as the yield strength, to the product (a given coil).
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
- Range:
- steel:Coil
Property: steel:lengthScope
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#lengthScope
length scope - Length of the coil in which the sampling applies. It is associated to a single coil sampling point.
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:samplingPointProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
- Range:
- xsd:float
Property: steel:location
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#location
location - A defect is detected comparing coil data with order specifications in sampling points. Thus a defect is relative to a position in the coil.
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Defect
- Range:
- steel:SamplingPoint
Property: steel:locationOf
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#locationOf
location of -
- Inverse:
- steel:location
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
- Range:
- steel:Defect
Property: steel:order
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#order
order - This is the initial assignment of a coil to an order (a customer). It will define the production goal to be validated by the rule system.
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
- Range:
- steel:Order
Property: steel:phenomenonOf
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#phenomenonOf
phenomenon of -
- Inverse:
- steel:hasPhenomenon
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Phenomenon
- Range:
- steel:Coil
Property: steel:position
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#position
position - Position of the coil where a sampling is performed. There is a sampling point each 10 meters from the head to the tail of the coil, so the position indicates the distance in meters from the head to a given sampling point.
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:samplingPointProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
- Range:
- xsd:float
Property: steel:productTypeCode
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#productTypeCode
product type code -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topDataProperty
- Domain:
- steel:ProductType
Property: steel:samplingPointProperty
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#samplingPointProperty
sampling point property -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topDataProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
Property: steel:skinPassElongation
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#skinPassElongation
skin-pass elongation -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:samplingPointProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
Property: steel:skinPassElongationMax
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#skinPassElongationMax
skin-pass elongation maximum -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Property: steel:skinPassElongationMin
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#skinPassElongationMin
skin-pass elongation minimum -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Property: steel:steelGrade
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#steelGrade
steel grade -
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topObjectProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Coil
- Range:
- steel:ProductType
Property: steel:targetParameter
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#targetParameter
target parameter -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- owl:topDataProperty
- Domain:
- steel:Order
Property: steel:temperature
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#temperature
temperature -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:samplingPointProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
Property: steel:temperatureMax
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#temperatureMax
temperature maximum -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Property: steel:temperatureMin
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#temperatureMin
temperature minimum -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Property: steel:thicknessTarget
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#thicknessTarget
thickness target -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Property: steel:weightMax
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#weightMax
weight maximum -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Property: steel:weightMin
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#weightMin
weight minimum -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Property: steel:widthTarget
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#widthTarget
width target -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
- Domain:
- steel:Order
Property: steel:yieldStrength
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#yieldStrength
yield strength - This parameter is calculated in every sampling point along the coil. So the yieldStrength is associated with a given sampling point to allow the comparison with the yieldStrength value of the target specified in the order. Deviations from the target imply a defect in the coil.
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:samplingPointProperty
- Domain:
- steel:SamplingPoint
- Range:
- xsd:float
Property: steel:yieldStrengthMax
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#yieldStrengthMax
yield strength upper tolerance -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
- Domain:
- steel:Order
- Range:
- xsd:float
Property: steel:yieldStrengthMin
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#yieldStrengthMin
yield strength lower tolerance -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
- Domain:
- steel:Order
- Range:
- xsd:float
Property: steel:zincThicknessTarget
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#zincThicknessTarget
zinc thickness target -
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- steel:targetParameter
Instance: steel:A200
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#A200
A200 -
- RDF Type:
- steel:DualPhase
- owl:Thing
Instance: steel:B102
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#B102
B102 -
- RDF Type:
- steel:InterstitialFree
- owl:Thing
Instance: steel:B105
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#B105
B105 -
- RDF Type:
- steel:InterstitialFree
- owl:Thing
Instance: steel:C114
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#C114
C114 -
- RDF Type:
- steel:Rephosphorised
- owl:Thing
Instance: steel:C116
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#C116
C116 -
- RDF Type:
- owl:Thing
- steel:Rephosphorised
Instance: steel:C119
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#C119
C119 -
- RDF Type:
- owl:Thing
- steel:Rephosphorised
Instance: steel:D012
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#D012
D012 -
- RDF Type:
- owl:Thing
- steel:HSLA
Instance: steel:D071
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#D071
D071 -
- RDF Type:
- owl:Thing
- steel:HSLA
Instance: steel:evaluation
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#evaluation
evaluation - The coil is sent to experts when it is not clear whether it meets order requirements
- RDF Type:
- owl:Thing
- steel:Action
Instance: steel:K012
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#K012
K012 -
- RDF Type:
- owl:Thing
- steel:Clinching
Instance: steel:keepAssignment
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#keepAssignment
Keep assignment -
- RDF Type:
- steel:Action
- owl:Thing
Instance: steel:repair
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#repair
repair - When the quality of coil is low but it could be repaired, it is sent again to the production line.
- RDF Type:
- owl:Thing
- steel:Action
Instance: steel:scrap
URI: http://ontorule-project.eu/resources/steel#scrap
scrap - When the quality of the coil is very low, it is sent to scrap
- RDF Type:
- steel:Action
- owl:Thing
A. References
- ArcelorMittal Product Catalogue - EU edition 2008 (cf. Product Definition)
- ArcelorMittal internal report on 'Order assignment at Galvanisation Line'
B. Changes in this version
- 31/05/2010
- Initial version of the specification
C. Acknowledgements
This work is part of the ONTORULE project (ONTOlogies meet business RULEs), a large-scale integrating project (IP) partially funded by the European Union's 7th Framework Programmen under the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Call 3 (ICT-231875).
The consortium of the project is composed by the following partners:
- Audi
- ArcelorMittal
- Free University of Bolzano
- Fundación CTIC
- ontoprise
- Université Paris 13
For futher information, please visit the official webpage of the project: http://ontorule-project.eu/
The authors want to explicitely acknowledge the contributions made by François Lévy (Universite Paris 13) and Antonia Schwichtenberg (ontoprise).