


International workshop on Decision-oriented Business Applications: Experiences and Challenges (DOBA)

September 5, 2011

co-located with the IEEE CEC'11 Luxembourg (Luxembourg)


DOBA intends to gather together the community of business users in charge of decision-support business applications. The workshop will be a means for practitioners to share and exchange experiences, best practices, critical visions, success stories, and to define a possible roadmap to the future.

Important dates (updated on Jun 23rd)

Submission deadline:
Jun 24, 2011 Jul 4, 2011
Notification of acceptance:
Jul 11, 2011
Camera-ready paper submission:
Jul 25, 2011
Sept 5, 2011


Decision-oriented applications are complex due to the underlying business policies and require the participation of many stakeholders, from business experts over analysts to IT developers. In current practice, business users do not own their applications, as their construction and maintenance inevitably require having other agents involved. In the recent years, progress has been made in standardization of modeling and knowledge representation languages,
as well as advances in methodologies and theoretical foundations for policy acquisition and execution. It is becoming increasingly feasible to reduce the coupling between policies and their implementations, and to empower users to independently interact with the part of a business application that is relevant to them, including the decision modeling process. One approach towards achieving this objective is to separate understandably the representation of the knowledge at the business, operational and execution levels, on the one hand; and the business vocabulary from the business rules, on the other. At the same time, it must be possible to merge them at any moment in order to provide integrated ownership, combined execution and consistency checking.


Topics of interest

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Lessons learnt in business modeling using business languages
  • From models to solutions: transforming business specifications into rule-based software
  • Acquisition of business policies from text: NLP in action
  • Integrated management and maintenance of business models, ontologies and rules
  • Decision-modeling to bridge the gap between business requirements and implementations
  • Experiences in efficiency and scalability of BRMS and reasoners
  • Best practices for consistency maintenance of ontologies and rules over time
  • End-to-end coherence: traceability and change propagation
  • BRMS tools interoperability: standards and open challenges
  • Giving ownership of business applications back to business users
  • Appropriate languages for business knowledge reuse and adaptability
  • Usability in decision-support business applications
  • Model documentation: understanding business policies
  • Experiences in cost reduction and improved time to market using ontologies and rules combinations
  • Use cases for state-of-the-art decision-support systems: actual requirements and expected benefits



The following types of contributions are welcomed:

  • Full papers, up to 8 pages.
  • Position papers, up to 5 pages.
  • Posters (both 2-page extended abstracts or final posters).


Workshop Chairs

  • Patrick Albert, IBM, France
  • Roman Korf, ontoprise, Germany
  • Emilio Rubiera, Fundación CTIC, Spain


Program Committee

  • Diego Berrueta, Fundación CTIC, Spain
  • Christian De Sainte Marie, IBM, France
  • Adil El Ghali, IBM, France
  • Miguel Iglesias, ArcelorMittal, Spain
  • Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers, PNA, Netherlands
  • Eva Maria Kiss, ontoprise, Germany
  • Luis Polo, Fundación CTIC, Spain
  • Peter Rosina, Audi, Germany
The ONTORULE project at the SemTech
Monday, 18 April 2011 13:38

The ONTORULE project will be presented at the SemTech within a half-conference session. The venue is located in San Francisco on June 5-9, 2011. Find below the presentation title and plan as it has been published.


The ONTORULE project: where ontology meets business rules

Brief Description

This session presents demonstrations from two industry use cases to illustrate the benefits of integrating semantic technologies along the whole chain, from knowledge acquisition to knowledge management to business application.

Long Description/Abstract

The ONTORULE project was initiated by a consortium of leading vendors of semantic technologies and business rules management systems, of top research institutions and of large industrial companies representing the user's side, to develop the integrated methodology and implementation technology that will enable users, from business executives over business analysts to IT developers, to interact in their own way with the part of a business application that is relevant to them.
We believe that one essential step towards achieving that objective is the ability to separate cleanly the representation of the knowledge at the business, operational and execution levels, on the one hand; and the business vocabulary from the business rules, on the other hand.

In this session, we will describe our results after two years of the project. Based on demonstrations from a steel industry and an automotive industry use cases, the session will cover:

  • The ONTORULE approach to business user's empowerment through semantic technologies;
  • The technology that is integrated in an ONTORULE platform, and how it is integrated using open standards: from business modelling and from ontology and rule acquisition from policy texts, to knowledge management, consistency maintenance across ontologies and rules, knowledge integration and combined execution;
  • The benefits from the approach, and the typical use cases.

At the end of the project, the ONTORULE consortium will publish the specification of the integrated platform.

Updated publications list
Tuesday, 15 March 2011 11:34

We have recently updated the scientific publications list for 2010, adding 13 new papers that embody some of the research efforts and results obtained within the project. They can be found at our publications section.

Case studies demonstrators
Monday, 31 January 2011 16:06

The ONTORULE project  features two complementary case studies. One case study is concerned  with developing a business rules-based application for the management of the computer-assisted development processes (CAx) in a car manufacturer’s R&D department. The other case study is concerned with lifting the business knowledge in rule-based quality control applications in steel production plants to the business level.

developing a business rules-based application for  the management  of  the computer-assisted development

Both case studies have produced demonstrator applications by the middle of the project lifeline, which are available from the project website. The CAx integration demonstrator involves combining Bills of Materials (BOM) from different Computer Aided Methods, and it is described in document D4.2 "Semantic integration of BOMs". The steel case study demonstrator deals with quality assurance in the galvanization line, and it is described in document D5.4 "First steel industry internal demonstrators".

Please be aware that these demonstrator applications contain data which resemble the actual data used by the business partners, but have been distorted to protect their industrial confidentiality.

processes in a car manufacturer’s R&D department; the other case study will be concerned with lifting the
business knowledge in rule-based process planning and quality control applications in the steel production
plants to the business level.
M12 and M18 deliverables publicly released
Thursday, 16 September 2010 15:19

We are glad to announce that a number of new ONTORULE deliverables have been made available through the project web page. They correspond to milestones M12 and M18 of the project. The set contains PDF documents, some software and videos. They can be accessed through the list of public deliverables.

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European Project

co-funded by the European Union


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