Table of contents

Supported elements

Element rdf:type
Ontology owl:Ontology
Class owl:Class
Property rdf:Property
Rule Set RIF group
Rule RIF rule
Vocabulary voaf#Vocabulary
Dataset void:Dataset

Supported metadata

This table describes the annotated properties relevant for adding metadata.

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
rdfs:label supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

The label of the element. The range is a literal with a language tag (optional).

For example: <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Temperature defect</rdfs:label>

dct:title supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

See rdfs:label

For example: <dct:title xml:lang="en">Temperature defect</dct:title>

dc:title supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

See rdfs:label

For example: <dc:title xml:lang="en">Temperature defect</dc:title>

skosxl:altLabel supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

An alternative label of a element. The range of the property is an instance of the class LexicalLabel.

For example: <skosxl:altLabel rdf:resource="" />

skosxl:prefLabel supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

The preferred label of a element. The range of the property is an instance of the class LexicalLabel.

For example: <skosxl:prefLabel rdf:resource="" />

skos:altLabel supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

An alternative label of a element. The range is a literal with a language tag.

For example: <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">Temperature fault</skos:altLabel>

skos:prefLabel supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

The preferred label of a element. The range is a literal with a language tag (optional). In some cases, it is assumed that prefLabel assumes the role of the label for presentation purposes.

For example: <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">Temperature defect</skos:prefLabel>

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
rdfs:comment supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

The description of the element. The range is a literal with a language tag.

For example: <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">It is a defect having to do with temperature issues.</rdfs:comment>

dct:description supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

See rdfs:comment

For example: <dct:description xml:lang="en">It is a defect having to do with temperature issues.</dct:description>

dc:description supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

See rdfs:comment

For example: <dc:description>The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) RDF vocabulary, described using W3C RDFS and OWL.</dc:description>

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
dct:creator supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

An entity primarily responsible for making the element: a person, an organization or a service. Recommended best practice is to use a FOAF profile to describe a creator.

For example: <dct:creator rdf:resource="" />

dc:creator supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

An entity primarily responsible for making the element: a person, an organization or a service. Typically, the name of a creator should be used to indicate the entity.

For example: <dc:creator>Sergio Fernández</dc:creator>

dct:contributor supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource: a person, an organization or a service. Recommended best practice is to use a FOAF profile to describe a contributor.

For example: <dct:contributor rdf:resource="" />

dc:contributor supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource: a person, an organization or a service. Typically, the name of a contributor should be used to indicate the entity.

For example: <dc:contributor>Diego Berrueta</dc:contributor>

dct:publisher supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

An entity responsible for making the element available: a person, an organization or a service. Recommended best practice is to use a FOAF profile to describe a publisher.

For example: <dct:publisher rdf:resource="" />

dc:publisher supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

An entity responsible for making the element available: a person, an organization or a service. Typically, the name of a publisher should be used to indicate the entity.

For example: <dc:publisher>O'Reilly</dc:publisher>

foaf:maker supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

See dct:creator.

For example: <foaf:maker rdf:resource="" />

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
dct:date supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

The date of creation or publication of the element. Recommended best practice is to use the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601.

For example: <dct:date>1981-01-20</dct:date>

dc:date supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

The date of creation or publication of the element. Recommended best practice is to use the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601.

For example: <dc:date>1981-01-20</dc:date>

dct:issued supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the element. Recommended best practice is to use the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601.

For example: <dct:issued>1979-03-23</dct:issued>

dct:modified supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

The date on which the element was changed. Recommended best practice is to use the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601.

For example: <dct:modified>2010-07-11</dct:modified>

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
dct:license supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

A legal document describing the copyright license of the element. Recommended best practice is to use Creative Commons licenses and to describe them in RDF with the Creative Commons Rights Expression Language (CC REL).

For example: <dct:license rdf:resource="" />

cc:license supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

A legal document describing the copyright license of the element. Recommended best practice is to use Creative Commons licenses and to describe them in RDF with the Creative Commons Rights Expression Language (CC REL).

For example: <cc:license rdf:resource="" />

cc-deprecated:license supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported place

A legal document describing the copyright license of the element. Recommended best practice is to use Creative Commons licenses and to describe them in RDF with the Creative Commons Rights Expression Language (CC REL).

For example: <cc-deprecated:license rdf:resource="" />

dc:rights supported supported supported supported supported supported place

Information about rights held in and over the element.

For example: <dc:rights>CTIC Foundation, some rights reserved</dc:rights>

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
owl:versionInfo supported supported supported supported supported supported place

Provides a hook suitable for use by versioning systems.

For example: <owl:versionInfo>1.17</owl:versionInfo>

vs:term_status supported supported supported supported place

Status of a term, expressed as a short symbolic string; known values include 'unstable','testing', 'stable' and 'archaic'.

For example: <vs:term_status>testing</vs:term_status>

owl:deprecated supported supported supported supported

An annotation with the owl:deprecated annotation property and the value equal to "true"^^xsd:boolean can be used to specify that an IRI is deprecated. There are other ways to mark as deprecated an ontology or a class, using owl:DeprecatedProperty, owl:DeprecatedClass

For example: <owl:deprecated rdf:datatype="">true</owl:deprecated>

foaf:depiction supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

An image associated with the element.

For example: <foaf:depiction rdf:resource="" />

og:video supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

A video associated with the element.

For example: <og:video rdf:resource="" />

rdfs:seeAlso supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported supported

Specifies a resource that might provide additional information about the element.

For example: <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="" />

dct:source supported place

The resources from which the rules are derived. Typically, they are documentary sources (as candidate rules), but diagrams, plans or pictures are also possible.

For example: <dct:source rdf:resource="" />

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix supported supported place

The preferred namespace prefix when using entities of an ontology or a vocabulary.

For example: <vann:preferredNamespacePrefix>whois</vann:preferredNamespacePrefix>

vann:preferredNamespaceUri supported supported place

The preferred namespace URI to use when using terms from an ontology or a vocabulary.

For example: <vann:preferredNamespaceUri></vann:preferredNamespaceUri> or <vann:preferredNamespaceUri rdf:resource=""/>

voaf:classNumber supported place

The number of classes defined in the vocabulary.

For example: <voaf:classNumber>42</voaf:classNumber>

voaf_old:classNumber supported place

The number of classes defined in the vocabulary.

For example: <voaf_old:classNumber>42</voaf_old:classNumber>

voaf:propertyNumber supported place

The number of properties defined in the vocabulary.

For example: <voaf:propertyNumber>55</voaf:propertyNumber>

voaf_old:propertyNumber supported place

The number of properties defined in the vocabulary.

For example: <voaf_old:propertyNumber>55</voaf_old:propertyNumber>

foaf:homepage supported supported supported place

The homepage (typically a Web page in HTML format) of the vocabulary.

For example: <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" />

void:vocabulary supported place

A vocabulary or owl:Ontology whose classes or properties are used in the dataset.

For example: <void:vocabulary rdf:resource="" />

rdfs:isDefinedBy supported supported supported supported supported supported place

Used to indicate where this element has been defining.

For example: <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="" />

owl:versionIRI supported place

Identifies the version IRI of an ontology.

For example: <owl:versionIRI rdf:resource="" />

owl:priorVersion supported place

Indicates the predecessor ontology of a given ontology.

For example: <owl:priorVersion rdf:resource="" />

owl:incompatibleWith supported place

Indicates that a given ontology is incompatible with another ontology.

For example: <owl:incompatibleWith rdf:resource="" />

Property Scope Place Description
Ontology Class Property Individual Rule Set Rule Vocabulary Dataset Catalog Distribution VC Definition In use Documentation
void:dataDump supported place

An RDF dump, partial or complete, of the dataset.

For example: <void:dataDump rdf:resource="" />

void:sparqlEndpoint supported place

The SPARQL endpoint of the dataset.

For example: <void:sparqlEndpoint rdf:resource="" />

dct:identifier supported place

A unique identifier of the dataset.

For example: <dct:identifier>dataset-1314</dct:identifier>

dct:language supported supported place

This refers to the language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the element.

For example: <dct:language rdf:resource="" />

dc:language supported supported place

The language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the element (Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as RFC 4646).

For example: <dc:language>es</dc:language>

dct:spatial supported supported place

The geographical area covered by the element.

For example: <dct:spatial rdf:resource="" />

foaf:page supported place

A page or document about the element.

For example: <foaf:page rdf:resource="" />

dcat:keyword supported place

A keyword or tag describing the element.

For example: <dcat:keyword>Astronomy</dcat:keyword>

dcat_deri:keyword supported place

A keyword or tag describing the element.

For example: <dcat_deri:keyword>Astronomy</dcat_deri:keyword>

dcat:landingPage supported place

A Web page that can be navigated to in a Web browser to gain access to the element.

For example: <dcat:landingPage rdf:resource="" />

dcat_deri:landingPage supported place

A Web page that can be navigated to in a Web browser to gain access to the element.

For example: <dcat_deri:landingPage rdf:resource="" />

dcat:distribution supported place

Connects a element to its available distributions.

For example: <dcat:distribution rdf:resource="" />

dcat_deri:distribution supported place

Connects a element to its available distributions.

For example: <dcat_deri:distribution rdf:resource="" />

dcat:dataset supported place

A dataset that is part of the element.

For example: <dcat:dataset rdf:resource="" />

dcat_deri:dataset supported place

A dataset that is part of the element.

For example: <dcat_deri:dataset rdf:resource="" />

dcat:accessURL supported place

Could be any kind of URL that gives access to a distribution of the element. E.g. landing page, download, feed URL, SPARQL endpoint.

For example: <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource="" />

dcat_deri:accessURL supported place

Could be any kind of URL that gives access to a distribution of the element. E.g. landing page, download, feed URL, SPARQL endpoint.

For example: <dcat_deri:accessURL rdf:resource="" />

dcat:downloadURL supported place

This is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format (e.g. CSV file or RDF file)

For example: <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource="" />

dcat:byteSize supported place

The size of a element in bytes.

For example: <dcat:byteSize>5020</dcat:byteSize>

dct:format supported place

The file format of the element.For example:


Namespace references and prefixes

Prefix Namespace

Icons in Parrot

Icon Definition
data property A data property is used to describe attributes of resources, such as the height of a person or the population of a country.
object property An object property is used to describe relations to other resources, such as the mother of a person or the capital of a country.
annotation property An annotation property is used to give more information of resources.
reflexive object property A reflexive property describes a relation where every resource is related to itself.
irreflexive object property A irreflexive property describes a relation where none resource is related to itself.
symmetric object property Symmetric property
asymmetric object property Asymmetric property
transitive object property Transitive property
functional object property Functional property
inverse functional object property Inverse functional property

Use as a REST service

Generate report from URL/s

URL /parrot
Method GET
Querystring documentUri URL of an input document
mimetype Mimetype of the input document. Supported values are
  • default Allow content negotiation
  • application/rdf+xml OWL ontology
  • text/n3 N3 ontology
  • text/turtle Turtle ontology
  • application/n-triples N-triples ontology
  • application/xhtml+xml XHTML+RDFa document
  • text/html HTML+RDFa documentn
  • application/rif+xml RIF XML document
  • text/x-rif-ps RIF PS document
profile (optional) The profile for generate a customize report. Supported values are
  • technical
  • business
Default value is technical.
language (optional) The language uses to generate the report. The possible values are in the IANA registry of language tags. Default value is en (English).
customizeCssUrl (optional) The URL of a customize CSS
Returns 200 OK
400 Illegal Request
500 Unexpected error
You can send multiple documentUri parameter values. In that case, each one should be accompanied by a mimetype parameter.

For example:

GET /parrot?documentUri=

Generate report from direct input

URL /parrot
Method POST
Request Body documentText The input source text.
mimetypeText Mimetype of the input source text. Supported values are
  • default Allow content negotiation
  • application/rdf+xml OWL ontology
  • text/n3 N3 ontology
  • text/turtle Turtle ontology
  • application/n-triples N-triples ontology
  • application/xhtml+xml XHTML+RDFa document
  • text/html HTML+RDFa documentn
  • application/rif+xml RIF XML document
  • text/x-rif-ps RIF PS document
profile (optional) The profile for generate a customize report. Supported values are
  • technical
  • business
Default value is technical.
language (optional) The language uses to generate the report. The possible values are in the IANA registry of language tags. Default value is en (English).
customizeCssUrl (optional) The URL of a customize CSS
Returns 200 OK
400 Illegal Request
500 Unexpected error

For example:

POST /parrot documentText=<rdf:RDF xmlns:owl="" xmlns:rdf=""> <owl:Ontology rdf:about=""> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Steel Ontology</rdfs:label> </owl:Ontology> </rdf:RDF> mimetypeText=application/rdf+xml profile=business language=en customizeCssUrl=

You can send multiple documentText parameter values. In that case, each one should be accompanied by a mimetype parameter.

Generate report from existing report

URL /parrot
Method GET
Querystring reportURL URL of the existing report
profile (optional) The profile for generate a customize report. Supported values are
  • technical
  • business
Default value is technical.
language (optional) The language uses to generate the report. The possible values are in the IANA registry of language tags. Default value is en (English).
customizeCssUrl (optional) The URL of a customize CSS
Returns 200 OK
400 Illegal Request
500 Unexpected error

For example:

GET /parrot?reportURL=


PARROT example compilation

In the PARROT example compilation there are available multiple examples of usage of PARROT with ontologies, rules, datasets, vocabularies and more.

Label order

If you want to add a label to an element, the preferred property order to set it is:


Description order

If you want to add a description to an element, the preferred property order to set it is:


Button RDFa

You can create a report from a webpage with RDFa. Just add a button in your webpage in order to create a link to the Parrot report.

Document with Parrot

We encourage you to use the XHTML code below (or its HTML equivalent), but you may use a different code to integrate the icon within your web page as long as the icon is used as a link to document the Web page it is in. Sample code is as follows:

      <a href="/parrot?referer=true"><img
          alt="Document with Parrot" /></a>

Compilation of tips

This is a compilation of the tip of the day feature

Did you know ...

Other features

If a resource has more than one rdf:type, this resource will be document in the report just once (with no priority to document the resource like a concrete rdf:type).

For instance, if a resource is declared like:

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
        <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
                <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>

The documentation for the resource will only appears once (like an ontology or like a dataset).

License of third-party elements used

Some icons has been created by Mark James and there are distributed under CreativeCommons-by 2.5 license.