ORM2OWL translator |
Thursday, 13 January 2011 11:55 |
Free University of Bolzano (FUB) has implemented a ORM to OWL translator as a Java application. It is available for download from this web page. Some sample files are also available as attachments to this page (see the links below). Version 1.3 (February 2012)
This is the most up-to-date version of the tool, and it features an improved user-friendly GUI and a command-line interface.
A GUI will appear If launched with double-click or via command line, but without arguments (java -jar ORM2OWLTranslator.jar)
To get the list of all options - type "java -jar ORM2OWLTranslator.jar -h"
Here it is:
usage: ORM2OWLTranslator
-f,--functional Export ontology in Functional format
-F,--factpp Use FaCT++ reasoner
-H,--hermit Use HermIT reasoner (default)
-h,--help print this message
-in,--inputfile <file> input file with an ORM2 schema in
concrete syntax
-m,--manchester Export ontology in Manchester format
-o,--owl Export ontology in OWL/XML format
-out,--outputfile <file> output file with resulting ontology
in desired syntax
-r,--rdf Export ontology in RDF/XML format
-s,--orm2statement <orm2statement> ORM2 statement to be verified in
concrete syntax
-u16,--utf16 Use when input file is in UTF16
-u8,--utf8 Use when input file is in UTF8 (default)
Here is an example of usage: java -jar ORM2OWLTranslator.jar -in INPUT.txt -out OUTPUT.owl -o
A GUI will appear if launched with double-click or via command line, but without arguments (java -jar ORM2OWLTranslator.jar). To get the list of all options, type "java -jar ORM2OWLTranslator.jar -h". Here it is:
usage: ORM2OWLTranslator
-f,--functional Export ontology in Functional format
-F,--factpp Use FaCT++ reasoner
-H,--hermit Use HermIT reasoner (default)
-h,--help print this message
-in,--inputfile <file> input file with an ORM2 schema in
concrete syntax
-m,--manchester Export ontology in Manchester format
-o,--owl Export ontology in OWL/XML format
-out,--outputfile <file> output file with resulting ontology
in desired syntax
-r,--rdf Export ontology in RDF/XML format
-s,--orm2statement <orm2statement> ORM2 statement to be verified in
concrete syntax
-u16,--utf16 Use when input file is in UTF16
-u8,--utf8 Use when input file is in UTF8 (default)
Here is an example of usage: java -jar ORM2OWLTranslator.jar -in INPUT.txt -out OUTPUT.owl -o
Older versions
European Project