
ONTORULE Publications
inproceedings (DBLP:conf/birthday/ArtaleF09)
Artale, A. & Franconi, E.
Foundations of Temporal Conceptual Data Models
Borgida, A., Chaudhri, V. K., Giorgini, P. & Yu, E. S. K. (ed.)
Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications
Springer, 2009, Vol. 5600, pp. 10-35
inproceedings (BieEitLutOrtSim-DL10)
Bienvenu, M., Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz, M. & Simkus, M.
Query Answering in the Description Logic S
Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2010)
article (bruijn-jair2010)
de Bruijn, J. & Heymans, S.
Logical Foundations of RDF(S) with Datatypes
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 2010, Vol. 38, pp. 535-568
inproceedings (1611768)
Bruijn, J. & Heymans, S.
Complexity of the Stable Model Semantics for Queries on Incomplete Databases
LPNMR '09: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 101-114
inproceedings (DBLP:conf/rr/BruijnR09)
de Bruijn, J. & Rezk, M.
A Logic Based Approach to the Static Analysis of Production Systems
2009, pp. 254-268
article (CalvaneseIJCAI2009)
Calvanese, D., Eiter, T. & Ortiz, M.
Regular path queries in expressive description logics with nominals
Boutilier, C. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press/IJCAI, 2009, pp. 714-720
inproceedings (chniti:10)
Chniti, A., Dehors, S., Albert, P. & Charlet, J.
Authoring Business Rules grounded in OWL Ontologies
et al. (Eds.), M. D. (ed.)
RuleML 2010 : The 4th International Web Rule Symposium: Research Based and Industry Focused
LNCS 6403, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, 2010
inproceedings (dek2009-ecsqaru)
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T. & Krennwallner, T.
Realizing Default Logic over Description Logic Knowledge Bases
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2009), Verona, Italy, July 1--3, 2009
Springer, 2009, pp. 602-613
article (DrabentHybridJul2009)
Drabent, W., Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Lukasiewicz, T. & Maluszynski., J.
Hybrid reasoning with rules and ontologies
Bry, F. & Maluszynski, J. (ed.)
Semantic Techniques for the Web, 2009(5500), pp. 1-49
article (simk-eite-08)
Eiter, T. & Simkus, M.
FDNC: Decidable Non-monotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols
Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) , 2010, Vol. 11(2)
article (EiterIJCAI2009Decomposition)
Eiter, T., Fink, M. & Krennwallner, T.
Decomposition of declarative knowledge bases with external functions
Boutilier, C. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press/IJCAI, 2009., 2009, pp. 752-758
techreport (EiterINFSYSRR-1843-09-01)
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Lukasiewicz, T. & Schindlauer., R.
Well-Founded Semantics for Description Logic Programs in the Semantic Web
inproceedings (EiterWoLLIC200926-36)
Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz, M. & Simkus, M.
Query answering in description logics: the knots approach
Proceedings 16th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2009)
Springer, 2009(5514), pp. 26-36
article (Eiter)
Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz, M. & Simkus., M.
Query answering in description logics with transitive roles
Boutilier, C. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press/IJCAI, 2009., 2009, pp. 759-764
inproceedings (feier-eswc2009)
Feier, C. & Heymans, S.
Hybrid Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs
Proc. of the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2009)
Springer, 2009
Conjunctive query answering in the description logic SH using knots
T. Eiter, M. Ortiz, and M. Šimkus
Technical Report INFSYS RR-1843-09-03, Institut für Informationssysteme, Technisch Universität Wien, A-1040 Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2009
Answering regular path queries in expressive description logics via alternating
D. Calvanese, T. Eiter, and M. Ortiz
Technical Report INFSYS RR-1843-09-04, Institut für Informationssysteme, Technisch Universität Wien, A-1040 Vienna, Austria, Dec. 2009
article (IJCAI09524)
Franconi, E., Seylan, I. & de Bruijn, J.
Effective Query Rewriting with Ontologies over DBoxes
inproceedings (guisse&al09TIA)
Guissé, A., Lévy, F., Nazarenko, A. & Szulman, S.
Annotation sémantique pour l'indexation de règles métiers
L'Homme, M.-C. & Szulman, S. (ed.)
Conférence Internationale sur la Terminologie et l'Intelligence Artificielle (TIA 2009)
Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse, 2009, pp. (electronic medium)
inproceedings (heymans-ecai2010)
Heymans, S., Eiter, T. & Xiao, G.
Tractable Reasoning with DL-Programs over Datalog-rewritable Description Logics
Coelho, H., Studer, R. & Wooldridge, M. (ed.)
Proc. of 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
IOS Press, 2010, Vol. 215, pp. 35-40
inproceedings (conf/rr/HeymansFE09)
Heymans, S., Feier, C. & Eiter, T.
A Reasoner for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs
Polleres, A. & Swift, T. (ed.)
Springer, 2009, Vol. 5837, pp. 55-70
inproceedings (heymans-flogic)
Heymans, S., Korf, R., Erdmann, M., Pührer, J. & Eiter, T.
F-Logic#: Loosely Coupling F-Logic Rules and Ontologies
Proc. of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
2010, Vol. 1, pp. 248-255
inproceedings (conf/ictai/LevyGNOS10)
Levy, F., Guisse, A., Nazarenko, A., Omrane, N. & Szulman, S.
An Environment for the Joint Management of Written Policies and Business Rules
IEEE Computer Society, 2010, pp. 142-149
inproceedings (ortiz2010worfthfoo1a2)
Ortiz, M., Rudolph, S. & Simkus, M.
Worst-case Optimal Reasoning for the Horn-DL Fragments of OWL 1 and 2
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference (KR-10)
AAAI Press, 2010, pp. 269-279
inproceedings (puehrer-eswc2010)
Pührer, J., Heymans, S. & Eiter, T.
Dealing with Inconsistency when Combining Ontologies and Rules using DL-Programs
Aroyo, L., Antoniou, G., Hyvönen, E., ten Teije, A., Stuckenschmidt, H., Cabral, L. & Tudorache, T. (ed.)
Proc. of 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010)
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010, Vol. 6088, pp. 183-197
article (EiterIJCAI2009Bidirectional)
Simkus, M. & Eiter, T.
Bidirectional answer set programs with function symbols
Boutilier, C. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press/IJCAI, 2009., 2009, pp. 765-771
inproceedings (xiao-buro2010)
Xiao, G., Heymans, S. & Eiter, T.
DReW: a Reasoner for Datalog-rewritable Description Logics and DL-Programs
1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies (BuRO 2010)
inproceedings (DBLP:conf/kr/XiaoLMQ10)
Xiao, G., Lin, Z., Ma, Y. & Qi, G.
Computing Inconsistency Measurements under Multi-Valued Semantics by Partial Max-SAT Solvers
Lin, F., Sattler, U. & Truszczynski, M. (ed.)
proceedings (buro-10)
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies (BuRO 2010), co-located RR2010 Workshop, September 21, 2010
Eiter, T., El Ghali, A., Fernàndez, S., Heymans, S., Krennwallner, T. & Lévy, F. (ed.)
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies (BuRO 2010), co-located RR2010 Workshop, September 21, 2010
Ontorule Consortium, 2010
Les entités nommées : éléments pour la conceptualisation
N. Omrane, A. Nazarenko and S. Szulman
Submitted for publication, fev. 2010
Combining terms and named entities for modeling domain ontologies from texts
Nouha Omrane, Adeline Nazarenko and Sylvie Szulman
EKAW2010: the 17th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
An Environment for the Joint Management of Written Policies and Business Rules
François Lévy, Abdoulaye Guissé, Adeline Nazarenko, Nouha Omrane and Sylvie Szulman
ICTAI2010: the 22th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
Formal Description of Resources for Ontology-based Semantic Annotation
Yue Ma, Adeline Nazarenko and Laurent Audibert
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information 2010
Une chaine UIMA pour l'analyse de documents de réglementation
Samir Derdek and Adil El Ghali
Gestion de la cohérence de règles métier éditées à partir d'ontologies OWL
Amina Chniti, Patrick Albert, and Jean Charlet
Les entités nommées : des clés linguistiques pour la conceptualisation
Nouha Omrane, Adeline Nazarenko and Sylvie Szulman
Un moteur sémantique pour explorer des textes réglementaires
Abdoulaye Guissé, François Lévy and Adeline Nazarenko
Une nouvelle version de l’outil Terminae de construction de ressources termino-ontologiques
Sylvie Szulman
IC 2011
Reasoning with Annotations of Texts
Yue Ma, François Lévy and Sudeep Ghimire
24th International FLAIRS Conference 2011
Integrating written policies in Business Rule Management Systems
Adeline Nazarenko, Abdoulaye Guissé, François Lévy, Nouha Omrane and Sylvie Szulman
RuleML 2011
inproceedings (dl2011)
Ontology Design and Integration with ICOM 3.0 - Tool description and methodology
Pablo R. Fillottrani, Enrico Franconi and Sergio Tessaris
Description Logics 2011 Proceedings
Quelo: an ontology-driven query interface
Enrico Franconi, Paolo Guagliardo, Marco Trevisan and Sergio Tessaris
Description Logics 2011 Proceedings
Combining Production Systems and Ontologies
Martin Rezk, Werner Nutt
Reasoning with Actions in Transaction Logic
Martin Rezk, Werner Nutt
Representing L1 Domain Descriptions as Partially Defined Actions of Transaction Logic
Martin Rezk, Werner Nutt
Logical Formalization of Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules
Dmitry Solomakhin
MSc thesis, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology
Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems: A Flexible Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources
Gerhard Brewka, Thomas Eiter and Michael Fink
Gelfond Festschrift, LNAI 6565, p. 233–258, Springer, 2011
Promoting Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs
Thomas Krennwallner
Technical Communications of the 27th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2011), Seventh ICLP Doctoral Student Consortium, Alessandro Dal Palu, Stefan Woltran (eds.), July, p. 266-271, 2011
Dynamic Distributed Nonmontonic Multi-Context Systems
Minh Dao-Tran and Thomas Eiter and Michael Fink and Thomas Krennwallner
Thirty Years of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, G. Brewka, Victor Marek and Miroslaw Truszczynski (eds.), to appear, College Publications, London, 2011
First-Order Encodings of Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs
Minh Dao-Tran and Thomas Eiter and Michael Fink and Thomas Krennwallner
Georg Gottlob (ed.), to appear, Springer, LNCS, 2011
Model Streaming for Distributed Multi-Context Systems
Minh Dao-Tran and Thomas Eiter and Michael Fink and Thomas Krennwallner
2nd International Workshop on Logic-based Interpretation of Context: Modeling and Applications, Alessandra Mileo and Michael Fink (eds.), May, p. 11-22, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 738, 2011
Symmetry Breaking for Distributed Multi-Context Systems
Christian Drescher and Thomas Eiter and Michael Fink and Thomas Krennwallner and Toby Walsh11th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2011), Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 16-19, 2011, James Delgrande and Wolfgang Faber (eds.), May, p. 26-39, LNAI, Springer, Vol. 6645, 2011
technical report
Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL
Stefan Bischof and Stefan Decker and Thomas Krennwallner and Nuno Lopes and Axel Polleres
Technical Report, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, April, DERI-TR-2011-04-04
Declarative Belief Set Merging using Merging Plans
Christoph Redl and Thomas Eiter and Thomas Krennwallner
13th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'11), Austin, Texas, U.S.A., January 24-25, 2011, Ricardo Rocha and John Launchbury (eds.), January, p. 99-114, LNCS, Vol. 6539
Stepping through an Answer-Set Program
J. Oetsch, J. Pührer, H. Tompits
11th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2011), Springer, LNCS, 6645 (2011), 134-147
inproceedings (rr2011)
Inline evaluation of hybrid knowledge bases PhD description
Guohui Xiao and Thomas Eiter
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Web reasoning and rule systems (RR 2011)
Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs and f-hybrid Knowledge Bases
Cristina Feier and Stijn Heymans
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), 2011
Metadata for web ontologies and rules: current practices and perspectives
Carlos Tejo-Alonso, Diego Berrueta, Luis Polo and Sergio Fernández
5th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR 2011)
Lexicalized ontology for a business rules management platform: An automotive use case
Nouha Omrane, Adeline Nazarenko, Peter Rosina, Sylvie Szulman and Christoph Westphal
RuleML@BRF 2011
From linguistic to ontologies: the role of named entities in the conceptualization process
Nouha Omrane, Adeline Nazarenko and Sylvie Szulman
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development KEOD 2011
Le poids des entités nommées dans le filtrage des termes d'un domaine
Nouha Omrane, Adeline Nazarenko and Sylvie Szulman
9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence TIA 2011
technical report
Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs
Cristina Feier
Technical Report INFSYS RR-1843-11-07, Institut für Informationssysteme, Technisch Universität Wien, A-1040 Vienna, Austria December 2011
Reasoning about Actions in Transaction Logic
Martin Rezk
PhD Thesis, supervisors: Michael Kifer, Werner Nutt
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Logic-based reasoning support for SBVR (TO APPEAR)
Dmitry Solomakhin, Enrico Franconi, and Alessandro Mosca
CILC-2011 (proceedings)
inproceedings (eite-etal-foiks12)
Uniform Evaluation of Nonmonotonic DL-Programs (TO APPEAR)
Thomas Eiter and Thomas Krennwallner and Patrik Schneider and Guohui Xiao
7th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2012)

Check a more detailled list at bibsonomy.

Developing a Conceptual Domain Model
Friday, 11 November 2011 00:00

Developing a Conceptual Domain Model: A Business-oriented tutorial

European Space Research and Technology Centre
                  ESTEC room FJ119 ‐ November 10th, 2011
                                 Keplerlaan 1
                         2200 AG Noordwijk
                          The Netherlands

ONTORULE aims to integrate all the required pieces of knowledge and technology, including some that will need be researched and developed within the project, to allow exactly that: the acquisition of ontologies and rules from the most appropriate sources, including natural language documents; their separate management and maintenance; and their transparent operationalisation in IT applications.

The speakers of this tutorial presented the conceptual architecture, partly further developed in ONTORULE, by integrating processes, data, rules, communication, semantics and semantic transactions in one integrated conceptual architecture (using a fact-based formalism). They also described how this architecture can be used in a federated way, integrating various information sources developed independently (e.g. using relational, UML, OWL, XSD). This integrated ONTORULE architecture was compared to the OMG MDA, the ANSI-SPARC Conceptual-Logical-Physical architecture and the ECSS-E-TM-10-23A Space System Data Repository concept.


  • 09:00 - 09:15 Opening
  • 09:15 - 10:00 ONTORULE high level introduction
  • 10:00 - 10:15 Coffee break
  • 10:15 - 11:30 The Conceptual ONTORULE architecture: complete integration of processes, data, rules, communication, semantics and semantic transaction - modeling at conceptual, Logical and Physical levels.
  • 11:30 - 12:45 Lunch
  • 13:00 - 14:15 Modeling at the Conceptual level and model bridging relationships. The development of the OMG RFP for a new standard SIMF (Semantic Information Modeling for Federation): how does it further the aims of ECSS-E-TM-10- 23A?
  • 14:15 - 15:15 Break
  • 15:15 - 16:30 An illustration of Conceptual Domain Modeling and Model Bridging Relationships.
  • 16:30 - 17:30 Discussion (ESA FAMOUS project, OMG SIMF proposal, toward a solution for ECSS-E-TM-10-23, ...)


  • Which problems are solved by a Semantic Transaction that are not solved with XML and XSD?
  • How to use logic and natural language in conceptual modeling?
  • How to involve the subject matter expert in effective validation of the conceptual model?
  • How to transform a Conceptual Domain Model into logical models like relational, UML and OWL?
  • Why do we need Model Bridging Relationships?
  • Which are the advantages of Conceptual Domain Models?
  • How much money can be saved?
  • How can the quality of the resulting software be increased?
  • What kind of investment is needed?
  • Why did it take so long for Conceptual Domain Models to arrive in the mainstream?
  • How does Conceptual Domain Modeling relate to important movements in the standards arena?

The slides of the event can be downloaded here.


ONTORULE: From Business Knowledge to Ontology- and Rules-based Applications

The workshop will present results from the ONTORULE project that show the benefits of integrating semantic technologies along the whole production chain, from knowledge acquisition to knowledge management to business application. The goal of this workshop is not only to present the project vision and to show case its results: the intent is to give the community of business users and IT practitioners a first hand understanding and experience of the technology used by the ONTORULE Project, by means of applied and hands-on exercises.

Why should I attend?

Join us if you want to:

  • understand the limitations of the current solutions and familiarise yourself with new generation standards for business applications.
  • discover how business applications will be like in the future.
  • have the opportunity to put your hands on state-of-the-art technologies for business knowledge capture, management and execution.
  • learn about the ONTORULE project.

Workshop structure and agenda

UPDATE (December 2011): the slides used at the workshop have been published.

The workshop is planned to last 3,5 hours and it starts with an introduction to the ONTORULE project, the problem it addresses, the driving vision, and an overview of the ONTORULE platform. ONTORULE relies heavily on open standards knowledge modelling and knowledge interchange. The workshop includes a short introduction to some of them, namely: OMG semantics of business vocabulary and business rules (SBVR), W3C Web ontology language (OWL), W3C rule interchange format (RIF) and the work in progress on OMG Decision Model and Notation (DMN).

The second part of the workshop consists in tutorials and hands-on labs dedicated to the various technologies involved, among others:

  • NLP-assisted ontology acquisition from textual sources
  • NLP-assisted rule acquisition from textual sources
  • Rule and ontology annotation, indexation and documentation
  • Authoring and maintenance of rules grounded in ontologies
  • Coupling rule and ontology reasoning
Time Session Presenter
8:30 Welcome, introduction to the ONTORULE project C. de Sainte Marie (IBM)
9:10 The ONTORULE standard-based architecture D. Berrueta (CTIC)
9:30 Hands-on lab: acquiring ontology and rules from text N. Omrane (Univ. Paris 13)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Hands-on lab: Authoring and executing business rules grounded in ontology C. de Sainte Marie (IBM)
12:00 Hands-on lab: annotating and indexing ontologies and rules E. Rubiera (CTIC)


The workshop is colocated with CASCON 2011, the 21st Annual International Conference hosted by the Centre for Advanced Studies Research, IBM Canada Software Laboratory. It will take place from on November 7th 2011 at 8:30 AM at the Hilton Suites Toronto/ Markham Conference Center & Spa located at 8500 Warden.

Workshop chairs

Emilio Rubiera
Christian de Sainte Marie

ONTORULE tutorial at RR2011
Friday, 26 August 2011 08:54

The ONTORULE Project: Where Ontology Meets Business Rules

A tutorial collocated with the Fifth International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2011) taken place in Galway, Ireland.

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011

9:00am to 12:30pm


The objective of ONTORULE is to enable users, from business executives over business analysts to IT developers, to interact in their own way with the part of a business application that is relevant to them. This tutorial will introduce the approach the ONTORULE project proposes to business rule application development, and demonstrate developed technologies in two pilot applications.


  • Christian De Sainte Marie
  • Miguel Iglesias Escudero
  • Peter Rosina
The slides are available for download.

About RR2011

The International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR) is a major forum for discussion and dissemination of new results concerning Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. RR 2011 builds on the success of the four previous International Conferences on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, held in Innsbruck, Austria (2007), Karlsruhe, Germany (2008), and Chantilly, Virginia, USA(2009), Bressanone/Brixen, Italy (2010), and which received enthusiastic support from the Web Reasoning community. In 2011, RR will continue the excellence of the new series and aim to attract the best WebReasoning and Rules researchers from all over the world.

Monday, 18 April 2011 07:50

DOBA 2011

International workshop on Decision-oriented Business Applications: Experiences and Challenges

(workshop co-located with the 13th The IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC'11), Luxembourg, September 5-7, 2011)


CANCELLED. Due to the number of submissions, this event has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience.


Description of the Workshop

Decision-oriented applications are complex due to the underlying business policies and require the participation of many stakeholders, from business experts over analysts to IT developers. In current practice, business users do not own their applications, as their construction and maintenance inevitably require having other agents involved. In the recent years, progress has been made in standardization of modeling and knowledge representation languages, as well as advances in methodologies and theoretical foundations for policy acquisition and execution. It is becoming increasingly feasible to reduce the coupling between policies and their implementations, and to empower users to independently interact with the part of a business application that is relevant to them, including the decision modeling process. One approach towards achieving this objective is to separate understandably the representation of the knowledge at the business, operational and execution levels, on the one hand; and the business vocabulary from the business rules, on the other. At the same time, it must be possible to merge them at any moment in order to provide integrated ownership, combined execution and consistency checking.

The goal of this workshop is to gather together the community of business users in charge of decision-support business applications. The workshop will be a means for practitioners to share and exchange experiences, best practices, critical visions, success stories, and to define a possible roadmap to the future.


Topics of interest

Lessons learnt in business modeling using business languages
From models to solutions: transforming business specifications into rule-based software
Acquisition of business policies from text: NLP in action
Integrated management and maintenance of business models, ontologies and rules
Decision-modeling to bridge the gap between business requirements and implementations
Experiences in efficiency and scalability of BRMS and reasoners
Best practices for consistency maintenance of ontologies and rules over time
End-to-end coherence: traceability and change propagation
BRMS tools interoperability: standards and open challenges
Giving ownership of business applications back to business users
Appropriate languages for business knowledge reuse and adaptability
Usability in decision-support business applications
Model documentation: understanding business policies
Experiences in cost reduction and improved time to market using ontologies and rules combinations
Use cases for state-of-the-art decision-support systems: actual requirements and expected benefits
  • Lessons learnt in business modeling using business languages
  • From models to solutions: transforming business specifications into rule-based software
  • Acquisition of business policies from text: NLP in action
  • Integrated management and maintenance of business models, ontologies and rules
  • Decision-modeling to bridge the gap between business requirements and implementations
  • Experiences in efficiency and scalability of BRMS and reasoners
  • Best practices for consistency maintenance of ontologies and rules over time
  • End-to-end coherence: traceability and change propagation
  • BRMS tools interoperability: standards and open challenges
  • Giving ownership of business applications back to business users
  • Appropriate languages for business knowledge reuse and adaptability
  • Usability in decision-support business applications
  • Model documentation: understanding business policies
  • Experiences in cost reduction and improved time to market using ontologies and rules combinations
  • Use cases for state-of-the-art decision-support systems: actual requirements and expected benefits



We are inviting the submission of full papers (up to 8 pages), position papers (up to 5) and posters (both 2-page extended abstracts or final posters) focusing on the aforementioned or related topics and representing original research. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your papers with 8.5'' x 11'', two-column format. All submissions will be critically reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. For paper submission we use the EasyChair conference management system.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: Jun 24, 2011 Jul 4, 2011
  • Notification of acceptance: Jul 11, 2011
  • Camera-ready paper submission: Jul 25, 2011
  • Workshop: September 5, 2011 (cancelled)

Organizing Committee

  • Patrick Albert, IBM, France
  • Roman Korf, ontoprise, Germany
  • Emilio Rubiera, Fundación CTIC, Spain

Program Committee

  • Diego Berrueta, Fundación CTIC, Spain
  • Christian De Sainte Marie, IBM, France
  • Adil El Ghali, IBM, France
  • Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers, PNA, The Netherlands
  • Miguel Iglesias, ArcelorMittal, Spain
  • Eva Maria Kiss, ontoprise, Germany
  • Luis Polo, Fundación CTIC, Spain
  • Peter Rosina, Audi, Germany


The workshop is colocated with the 13th The IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC'11), and will take place at Luxembourg on September 5-7, 2011.



Participants of the workshop may register to the main conference without any additional fee for attending the workshop track.






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co-funded by the European Union


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