
TERMINAE: from texts to ontologies
Tuesday, 09 August 2011 11:07

ONTORULE is glad to announce that the TERMINAE tool has been publicly released by the LIPN group of University Paris13. The tool and the user manual as well as a sample project file can be downloaded as part of Deliverable 1.4.

TERMINAE is a platform that assists users in designing terminological and ontological resources from texts. It can be used by terminologists to build terminological forms and by knowledge engineers to build either thesaurus expressed  in SKOS or ontologies organising concepts and lexical units in a formal way supporting inferences. This platform allows to link textual elements to terminological and conceptual resources. The acquisition corpus may contain one or several documents. The supported languages are English and French.



TERMINAE is organised in three main levels:

  • the first step of the terminological level enables to constitute the set of terms of the corpus; its second step organises these according to lexical and syntactic relations;
  • the termino-conceptual level organizes the terminology according to semantic relations;
  • the third level, the ontological level, enables to create a formal ontology out of the list of termino-concepts created at the second level.

Future releases will be available at the TERMINAE LIPN website.


European Project

co-funded by the European Union


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