

ONTORULE: From Business Knowledge to Ontology- and Rules-based Applications

The workshop will present results from the ONTORULE project that show the benefits of integrating semantic technologies along the whole production chain, from knowledge acquisition to knowledge management to business application. The goal of this workshop is not only to present the project vision and to show case its results: the intent is to give the community of business users and IT practitioners a first hand understanding and experience of the technology used by the ONTORULE Project, by means of applied and hands-on exercises.

Why should I attend?

Join us if you want to:

  • understand the limitations of the current solutions and familiarise yourself with new generation standards for business applications.
  • discover how business applications will be like in the future.
  • have the opportunity to put your hands on state-of-the-art technologies for business knowledge capture, management and execution.
  • learn about the ONTORULE project.

Workshop structure and agenda

UPDATE (December 2011): the slides used at the workshop have been published.

The workshop is planned to last 3,5 hours and it starts with an introduction to the ONTORULE project, the problem it addresses, the driving vision, and an overview of the ONTORULE platform. ONTORULE relies heavily on open standards knowledge modelling and knowledge interchange. The workshop includes a short introduction to some of them, namely: OMG semantics of business vocabulary and business rules (SBVR), W3C Web ontology language (OWL), W3C rule interchange format (RIF) and the work in progress on OMG Decision Model and Notation (DMN).

The second part of the workshop consists in tutorials and hands-on labs dedicated to the various technologies involved, among others:

  • NLP-assisted ontology acquisition from textual sources
  • NLP-assisted rule acquisition from textual sources
  • Rule and ontology annotation, indexation and documentation
  • Authoring and maintenance of rules grounded in ontologies
  • Coupling rule and ontology reasoning
Time Session Presenter
8:30 Welcome, introduction to the ONTORULE project C. de Sainte Marie (IBM)
9:10 The ONTORULE standard-based architecture D. Berrueta (CTIC)
9:30 Hands-on lab: acquiring ontology and rules from text N. Omrane (Univ. Paris 13)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Hands-on lab: Authoring and executing business rules grounded in ontology C. de Sainte Marie (IBM)
12:00 Hands-on lab: annotating and indexing ontologies and rules E. Rubiera (CTIC)


The workshop is colocated with CASCON 2011, the 21st Annual International Conference hosted by the Centre for Advanced Studies Research, IBM Canada Software Laboratory. It will take place from on November 7th 2011 at 8:30 AM at the Hilton Suites Toronto/ Markham Conference Center & Spa located at 8500 Warden.

Workshop chairs

Emilio Rubiera
Christian de Sainte Marie


European Project

co-funded by the European Union


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  • ONTORULE Partners
  • ONTORULE Partners
  • ONTORULE Partners
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  • ONTORULE Partners
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