Platform Management

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The platform management application enables administrators of an IT platform consisting of many interacting systems and components with different user profiles to answer questions like "Which role is entitled to use which systems?" or "Which systems or components have as output RIF data objects?"

The platform management application can be used in the context of several business cases.

  1. In the context of the ONTORULE consortium developing an abstract platform with concrete implementations, it can be used to store the information on the abstract and/or concrete platform, the components and data objects of the platform and the roles and users involved.
  2. In the context of system based on the ONTORULE platform, it can be used to model the relations and dependencies between components, data objects, roles and users.

The data model reflects the structure developed within the ONTORULE architecture task force (ATF) to describe the ONTORULE platform.

The platform management application is implemented on top of the ontology engineering workbench OntoStudio and uses the Ontoprise OWLRL in ObjectLogic rule execution component.

The media player is loading... Short video demonstrating the Platform Management Component.


The Platform Management Component consists of three ontologies (applications ontology, users ontology and platform ontology) which model the applications and components, the users/roles/personas and the platform itself. The component uses only OWL RL reasoning and thus shows the tight coupling of ontologies and logic programming rules.

Data model (TBox)

The applications ontology models the relations between Systems, Components and DataObjects. We have a hierarchy of abstract components, a hierarchy of concrete components and a part-of relation between components and systems.

Applications Ontology
|- DataObject
     |- AbstractDataObject
     |- ConcreteDataObject
|- Functionality
|- System
     |- AbstractSystem
     |- AbstractComponent
     |- ConcreteSystem
     |- ConcreteComponent       
User Ontology
|- Persona
|- Organization
|- Person

OWL RL Complex Class Definition

We define a OWL RL type complex class app#ComponentsUsedByBusinessAnalysts which will contain all instances of ONTORULE components used by the Persona BusinessAnalyst.


Data/ABox (ObjectLogic)


Query (ObjectLogic)

[app#hasOutput->?OutputData,app#hasInput->?InputData] AND 
?InputData:app#ConcreteDataObject AND


The answer set to the query is shown in OntoStudio

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