OntoStudio Validation

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The OntoStudio component for validation has been originally implemented to have simple checks for the ontologies and rules. Within ONTORULE the set of checking rules has been extended in order to cover ontoprises development for consistency maintenance. The full description of the development and implementation within ONTORULE is described in the ONTORULE deliverable D2.6 Consistency Maintenance.

The approach is implemented based on ObjectLogic itself. The general idea is to write rules that define the circumstances under which an inconsistency or some other anomaly might occur in the ontologies and rules. Using ObjectLogic as language to define these anomalies allows the user to use the same language as for defining the ontologies and rules. This enables business users to not just implement the business knowledge but also checking rules for checking the consistency in just one language.

The implementation within OntoStudio is extendible. Within ONTORULE we provide some rule set for checking several anomalies described in D2.6 Consistency Maintenance.

OntoStudio consistency checking - selection of anomalies to be checked

All found anomalies can be investigated. The description shows the type of anomaly found, the violated element within the ontology as well as a description of the found anomaly.

OntoStudio consistency checking - results of the checking and rule inspection

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A short video demonstrating consistency checking within OntoStudio.
The demo is based on the ontology of parts of the AUDI use-case.

Technical Work

A description of the component and the theory can be found within the ONTORULE deliverable D2.6 Consistency maintenance. Final report.

Facts about OntoStudio ValidationRDF feed
Component Description The component uses a set of ontologies and The component uses a set of ontologies and rules in order to identify anomalies within the ontology and rule combination. The component explains the anomalies found. Some of the anomalies might not be an issue and can be ignored. However; others might hint on a bad modelling paradigm. rs might hint on a bad modelling paradigm.
Component Name OntoStudio Validation  +
Implemented Abstract Component Static ontology checking  +, and Static rule checking  +
Implementing Vendor Ontoprise GmbH  +
Input OWL  +, and RIF  +
More Information For more information please see the ONTORULE deliverable D2.6 Consistency maintenance. Final report.