OntoStudio HTML/RDFa support

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Having a complex process on developing ontologies and rules one might want to back-track the origins of ontology elements and check their plausibility. Within the intended development process within ONTORULE the origin of the ontology can be text documents. The documents are annotated using an ontology in a previous process step. The intended exchange format for these annotated documents is RDF annotations (RDFa) within HTML documents. Further using these formats was the intention of implementing the extension described here.


OntoStudio HTML/RDFa support is an extension to OntoStudio which allows importing and tracking RDF annotations within HTML files. The extension consists of three parts.

The import wizard allows selecting a HTML file and imports the RDF annotations into the specified ObjectLogic module. Usually the RDF annotations in the HTML file do not contain the Schema of the RDF annotations. In this case one can import the RDF Schema to use full OntoStudio functionality for browsing through and editing the RDF annotations. When importing the RDF annotations into an ObjectLogic project the HTML file will be copied into the project directory. However the file will be hidden within the ontology perspective.

OntoStudio RDFa in HTML import

When clicking onto an ontology the HTML view of the extension is shown. If the ontology contains imported RDF annotations from an HTML file the HTML file containing the annotations are displayed. Clicking on RDF elements representing annotations within the HTML file will highlight the annotated HTML parts. This allows back-tracking the elements origins from the text as well as checking the annotations.

OntoStudio RDFa in HTML highlighting

In order to keep track of the RDF annotations within the HTML document and the ontology that is developed the dependency management part has been implemented. It allows defining the dependencies between ontologies and the RDF annotations as well as the documents. Having defined the dependency one can identify the annotations of the ontology element in the different documents and browse through the annotations.

OntoStudio RDFa in HTML dependency to ontology

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A short video demonstrating the use of the text dependency plugin within OntoStudio.
The demo is based on the ontology of parts of the AUDI use-case.

Facts about OntoStudio HTML/RDFa supportRDF feed
Component Description The component imports RDF annotations from The component imports RDF annotations from an HTML file. It preserves the dependency to the HTML file and shows the annotations within the HTML file. Having the ontology used for annotation one can link the RDFa import and the annotations and navigate between the two structures. s and navigate between the two structures.
Component Name OntoStudio HTML+RDFa support  +
Implementing Vendor Ontoprise GmbH  +
Input HTML  +, and RDF Schema  +
More Information For more information please contact Ontoprise GmbH.